Imagine what’s possible in the world when we come into our integrated selves, where we see each other in our full humanity, and possess deeper levels of compassion for ourselves and everyone around us.

Sean Harvey
Chief Compassion Officer, Sympónia Institute & Founder, Soulful Facilitator

Soulful Facilitator

Soulful Facilitator offers a heart-centered, soul-inspired approach for designing and delivering facilitated experiences. As the world continues to evolve with greater complexity and uncertainty, those who hold space for the critical conversations essential for our future, will need to evolve as well. 

The Soulful Facilitator holds space for innovative collaboration, compassionate bridge building, redefining leadership models, building connection and belonging, reimagining systems and structures, and transforming cultures.

Come join us as we explore what’s possible when people come together and allow a collective wisdom to emerge.



To call in and expand the community of compassion-centered bridge builders, facilitators, leaders, and change makers, to build supportive, authentic and purposeful communities, innovate collaboratively, redefine leadership models, reimagine systems & structures, and transform cultures.


We offer emergent facilitation trainings that are both heart-centered and soul-inspired. The Soulful Facilitator way blends head, heart, body and soul, inviting us to see the humanity in ourselves and each other, building compassionate, interconnected bridges across difference and division. The world needs resilient facilitators who hold space for groups to tap into their collective wisdom, co-creating innovative possibilities during times of great uncertainty. We work in collaboration to elevate and engage the voices of all.


Monthly Soul to Soul Gatherings

Soul To Soul: A Soulful Exploration of Inner Development Goals

A free one-hour virtual exploration of the 23 qualities outlined in the Inner Development Goals the inner shifts that equip us for the sustainable changes of our lifetime

Weekend Retreats

Soul To Soul Retreat: When Mission Is Not Enough - A Virtual Soulful Retreat & Reimagining

We offer a Retreat, “When Mission is Not Enough” for those working in mission-centric organizations who are burning out from the demands on the system, both external and internal.

  • Creating a community of support

  • Engaging in practices to deepen wellbeing, awareness and connection

  • Discovering where our service lies and how we can support positive change within ailing systems

2023 Sessions!

  • May 20 - 21

  • July 22 - 23

  • October 21-22

  • Dec 9 - 10

Sign up below for info on upcoming facilitator trainings!


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